IT Contracting'


Taming the Beast

11th September 2013
“He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, And he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.” - Proverbs 16:32 
EQ, Self-control, Not indulging your weaknesses, and, Sorting out your issues are all important when it comes to ruling your spirit.
1. KNOW YOURSELF - EQ. You can’t control your spirit if you aren’t aware of your weaknesses – and guess what – you have plenty!  Face up to your reality and take it on the chin.  You created the monster.
2. CONTROL YOURSELF – by exercising Self-control. Try shutting up as a start point. Or speaking up instead of shrinking back.
3. MANAGE YOURSELF – by not indulging your weakness. Procrastinating, avoidance, angry outbursts, lying are all seemingly obvious. Can you name 3 weaknesses you are aware of & that you manage? As my good mum would say “Don’t give it oxygen”. Think twice before you react (or fail to react).
4. DISCIPLINE YOURSELF - Sorting out your issues. If you don’t sort out your issues they become “everyone around you” issues. Your issues end up impacting those closest to you, at home, in business & in life. You will become the #1 water cooler subject, where everyone is talking about what you seemingly cannot see (or do not want to see) and your “issues”.
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